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Remote Operations Centre

24/7 drone-in-a-box management

Sphere Drones' remote operations centre (ROC) plays an important role in your drone-in-a-box operations and is the nerve centre for the coordination and oversight of simultaneous safe diab operations.

What's involved

Specialised Team

Our highly skilled team utilises advanced hardware and software to plan missions, monitor drone flights in real-time, and analyse data for informed decision-making. Through robust communication systems, the ROC maintains seamless connectivity with drones, enabling effective command transmission and data exchange.

Situational Awareness

Sphere Drones' ROC consists of communication systems, monitoring equipment, data processing tools, and situational awareness technologies. These elements work together to facilitate mission planning, monitor drone performance, error and warning detection, and ensures your operations are in compliance with regulations and safety protocols.

Efficient Operations

Centralising command and control, Sphere's Remote Operation Centre streamlines your operations and enable you to monitor and manage multiple drones simultaneously in real-time. This centralised oversight improves coordination, allowing you to optimise drone deployment, make proactive adjustments, and mitigate risks promptly.

Data Visualisation

By centralising data collection from multiple drones, ROC enables efficient processing of large volumes of data. Advanced algorithms and analytics tools extract valuable insights from telemetry data, sensor readings, and video feeds, improving understanding of drone performance and mission outcomes.

Learn more about drone-in-a-box solutions

Check out the videos in our Drone-in-a-Box web series, where we cover everything you need to know about this exciting new category of drone solutions, and show you how easily you can integrate one into your current operations.

Watch now

We've launched HubX, our rugged self-sustaining mobile drone platform.

We've launched HubX, our rugged self-sustaining mobile drone platform.

Talk to us about our remote operations centre

For inquiries or more information, please fill out the form below, and our team will contact you as soon as we can.

Talk to us about our remote operations centre

For inquiries or more information, please fill out the form below, and our team will contact you as soon as we can.