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Water Sampling

Published by Josh Spires on 18 October, 2022, updated on 15 November, 2022.

Water Sampling

Water sampling is often overlooked due it being what seems like a simple task on the surface. But is rather complex and potentially dangerous.

The history of water sampling

Water sampling has been around for as long as humans have. Over time sampling techniques and testing has improved with drones now taking on the task. Within the last 10 years drone have continued to become more present in the space, with the likes of Sydney Water, Hydro Tasmania, Melbourne Water, Veolia, and the Australian Institute of Marine Science all utilising drone-based water sampling.

Water sampling in Australia: use cases (air, land, water)

As there are many bodies of water around Australia used across a number of different sectors, water sampling use cases are essentially endless. Some of the top ones include water quality monitoring, and the following listed below:

View all water sampling use cases

The future of water sampling

With the introduction of drone-based water samplers, such as the Nero Poli, it is only a matter of time before more companies begin to utilise aerial water samplers. The efficiency and safety benefits far outweigh any of the negatives.

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