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Boston Dynamics

Boston Dynamics Spot 3.2 Release

Boston Dynamics has released the latest version of Spot's software, version 3.2. The new update brings a number of impressive...

Unlock the data that matters the most with Spot

As a quadruped robot, Spot can operate virtually anywhere a person can—going up and down stairs, indoors or outdoors, and...

Doing more with Spot. Boston Dynamics introduces new features

Boston Dynamics continues to add new features and capabilities to the Spot platform. Its latest improvements include hardware upgrades and an expanded...

Gathering tunnel construction data with Boston Dynamics Spot

Carlos Crespo, head of Acciona’s robotics and artificial intelligence group, spends a lot of his day considering the hazards that...

Dynamic sensing with Boston Dynamics Spot

Companies are turning to artificial intelligence to advance their digital transformation. Dynamic sensing accelerates that transformation by bringing the sensors...

Boston Dynamics Spot software release version 3.1

Boston Dynamics has released the latest software version for its Spot robot. This version takes Spot to v3.1 and comes...

National Grid uses Boston Dynamics Spot to improve safety and reduce down time

National Grid’s Sandy Pond High Voltage Direct Current Converter Station imports hydroelectric power from the north of Canada for distribution...

Asset management for the rest of us

On one hand, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have made huge advancements and offer tremendous potential to save...

Controlling Spot from over 10KM away with the Persistent Systems MPU5

To take the Boston Dynamics' Spot to the next level Sphere Drones has been testing various integrations including the Persistent...

Boston Dynamics' Spot heads down under with Woodside

Woodside, the largest Australian natural gas producer, has three top priorities at its processing facilities: safety, reliability, and efficiency –...

Boston Dynamics' Spot goes underground at Kidd Creek Mine

Kidd Creek Mine is an ultra-deep mine in northern Ontario, Canada. We mine metal, so copper, zinc, silver, and we're...

SA Power Networks gets ready to deploy Spot

SA Power Networks has welcomed its newest member to the team, the Boston Dynamics Spot robot dog. The power company plans...

Automated construction site documentation with Spot

The construction industry hasn’t always been quick to embrace new technologies, but more recently (accelerated in part by the pandemic)...

Using Spot for data collection and sensing in nuclear environments

Producing sustainable, clean energy is one of the most important problems for us to solve in our time. While it...

Boston Dynamics Spot Explorer vs Spot Enterprise: What's the difference?

Boston Dynamics' robot dog Spot comes in multiple versions, with Spot Explorer and Spot Enterprise being the main two on...

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