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Nestor Project: Elistair retained in European border surveillance project

Traffic across borders, and by consequence border surveillance, are major focal points for Southern Europe. Therefore, it requires high levels...

Elistair tethered drone provides security at a Guns N’ Roses concert

Police at the University of Montana’s Washington Grizzly Stadium had access to a persistent aerial view of the stadium and...

Drone Tethers for Emergency Services Applications

The use of a drone tether to provide situational awareness was once the sole privilege of leading military forces who...

French Grand Prix 2019 Security – 4 days, 2 tethered drones, 84 hours of flight

In 2019, the Formula 1 Grand Prix gathered 135 000 spectators and more than 28 000 vehicles in Le Castellet,...

The benefits of tethered drones

Tethered drones aren't often spoken about in drone conversations, which is a real shame. Tethered drones offer a unique set...

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