The show went on for a fifteen-minute period and celebrated the 60th anniversary of astronaut John Glenn’s memorable triple orbit of Earth in the Friendship 7 spacecraft back in 1962.
The show was a massive success with thousands of West Australians filling Elizabeth Quay to watch. The event focused on the theme of light in its various forms, featuring Aboriginal Dreamtime stories and touched on the historical journey of Perth.
The people of Perth turned on their lights and John Glenn observed that the city was clearly visible from space, becoming known worldwide as the ‘City of Light’.
Some of the images created by the drones during the show include, the word Perth, a rocket going around the Earth, an astronaut, two people holding hands, an image of Australia, stars, the Friendship 7 spacecraft, and local Aussie animals.
The show was put on by the talented team at Drone Sky Shows Australia with over 18 years of drone experience.
Australia has seen a number of drone shows take place over the last few years with various shows in Syndey, Melbourne, and the suburbs of Perth. We can't wait to see more of these amazing shows in the future!
You can watch the full show below via the YouTube video. Toward the end of the video, you can actually see all of the drones positioned on the ground in their grid, giving an insight in how exactly these shows work when it comes to getting the drones in and out of the air safely without any issues.
Source and image via City of Perth