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Deploy anywhere.
Capture data everywhere.

Deploy anywhere.
Capture data everywhere.

Adaptable to any site, anywhere

Deploy and adapt HubX to your site, no matter how remote, ensuring seamless and reliable operations in any location.

No road too tough

Engineered for the harsh Australian conditions and terrain, you can take HubX confidently anywhere you need and adapt it to your site.

Configurable payload bay

Mix and match payloads on HubX's large payload bay to suit your unique business needs. From DJI Dock 2, Riegl VZ-2000i or BYO payload, your options are unlimited.

Powered & connected, always

Stay powered and connected with HubX’s bespoke solar power system and the 5G/ satellite internet solutions, all backed by built-in redundancies.

Boost your operations

Streamline repetitive and resource-heavy data collection tasks and automate data flow from site to office. Even if you’re more than 5,000km away.

SLA & maintenance

Ensure comprehensive asset management and servicing by skilled technicians, including insurance coverage and swift replacements when needed.

Performance tested against the harsh Australian elements

We pride ourselves on delivering high-quality solutions so we can guarantee success. Since 2022, we've heavily invested in R&D to develop and rigorously test HubX, giving you confidence to deploy it anywhere.


On-road mileage driven


Off-road mileage driven


Operated off-grid

Your complete solution by Sphere Drones


  • Customisable payload bay
    • DJI Dock 2
    • Riegl VZ-2000i
    • BYO payload
  • WatchTower
  • Solar trailer & battery storage
  • Modular power compartment
  • Flexible data compartment

For organisations:
Looking to capture data remotely, regardless of level of their experience.

+ Managed Flight Services

  • Remote Operations Centre (RoC)
  • Implementation
  • Compliance
  • Integrated BVLOS software
  • Data management
  • AI delivery
  • Managed maintenance & repairs
  • Insurance

For organisations:
With limited drone compliance, certificates, or operational experience.

Robust enterprise payloads, powered & connected by HubX

HubX includes everything you need for a seamless deployment so you can capture site data wherever and whenever it’s needed, making it essential for any site.

DJI Dock 2
BVLOS operations and automated aerial data capture.

  • DJI Matrice 3D Series:
    Powerful wide-angle, tele, and infrared cameras suited for mapping, security and inspection operations
  • Reduce downtime:
    Automatic battery charging and data retrieval
  • Cover more ground:
    10km max effective operating radius

Laser Scanner
Riegl VZ-2000i
Long range, high speed 3D terrestrial scans.

  • Monitor further:
    2,500m max scan distance; 100° x 360° wide FOV
  • Efficient data acquisition:
    Up to 500,000 measurements/sec; up to 1.2 MHz laser pulse repetition rate
  • Clean, detailed point clouds: Rain, haze and dust penetration
  • Stay updated:
    Instant change detection alerts delivered to your mobile

Bring your own payload for your unique use case

The HubX flexible modular payload bay allows plug-and-play integration with any third-party hardware of your choice.

Speak to our team about customisable engineering options.

There's a HubX configuration for whatever your operation requires

A modular payload bay allows you to mix and match payloads for flexible and scaleable remote data collection.

Automated aerial survey and inspection

HubX with

DJI Dock 2

Efficient, repeatable, remote surveys and inspections - no matter the size of your site.

Payload Trailer
Portability, power and connectivity

Watch Tower
Situational awareness

All-in design Deploy on delivery day

Automated terrestrial monitoring

HubX with

Riegl VZ-2000i

Terrestrial monitoring of critical infrastructure, easily moved across sites depending on requirements.

Payload Trailer
Portability, power and connectivity

Watch Tower
Situational awareness

All-in design Deploy on delivery day

Simultaneous survey, inspection, and terrestrial monitoring

HubX with

DJI Dock 2 +

Riegl VZ-2000i

Versatile solution to simultaneously capture data from the air and ground.

Payload Trailer
Portability, power and connectivity

Watch Tower
Situational awareness

All-in design Deploy on delivery day

Automated simultaneous or consecutive aerial survey and inspection

HubX with

Dual DJI Dock 2s

Run simultaneously for zero downtime or be more efficient with consecutive survey and inspection missions - no matter the size of your site.

Payload Trailer
Portability, power and connectivity

Watch Tower
Situational awareness

All-in design Deploy on delivery day

...and more

HubX with

BYO payload

Customisable configuration to fit your unique operational and data capture requirements.

Payload Trailer
Portability, power and connectivity

Watch Tower
Situational awareness

All-in design Deploy on delivery day

Our process

We work closely with your team to ensure the optimal solution is seamlessly implemented onto your site.


Chat with our experts to explore how HubX can integrate into your operations and decide between self-managed or our Managed Services for data capture.


Select the suitable HubX configuration for your site and data requirements.


Your HubX unit is assembled by our Sydney team.

Deployment and onboarding

Our team deliver HubX unit to your site, create digital twin, set up mission schedule, and train your train.

One solution, unlimited use cases across industries

We can help you uncover your use case across mining, agribusiness, utilities, emergency services, construction and many more industries. HubX is suited for a number of use cases, including the automation of:

Surveying & photogrammetry

Blast vision

Pit imagery inspections

Remote monitoring of satellite & rehabilitation sites

Highly repeatable and routine asset inspections

Tasks in dangerous environments


Livestock counting

Gate management

Perimeter security

Perimeter security

Inspections on critical or remote assets

Power line inspection

Pipe inspection

Disaster management

Emergency response support

Search and rescue

Site survey and measurement

Equipment tracking

Volumetric stockpile calculations

Remote monitoring for progress reports

Risk and safety management

Routine infrastructure inspections

Frequently asked questions

How do I get HubX to my site?

HubX includes full delivery. Our team will evaluate the site and get HubX up and running for your team. Get in touch to find out more.

What payloads does HubX support?

HubX currently supports the DJI Dock 2 and Riegl VZ-2000i. However, our engineering team can provide custom integration solutions to support payloads of your choosing. Get in touch to discuss custom payloads.

Is HubX available outside Australia?

Yes. HubX is patented and our team is working through international supply chain logistics to scale HubX operations globally. If you are interested in working with us, get in touch.

Do I need any licenses or certifications to install and use HubX?

An electrician may be required during the initial installation of HubX.

Can I move HubX using my own vehicle?

YYes, you can move HubX as long as your vehicle meets the towing requirements. This includes having a brake controller and a vehicle with 2-tonne tow capacity.

Where is HubX manufactured?

HubX’s hardware is manufactured through an extensive global supply chain, with a preference for Australian materials and vendors wherever possible, and assembly undertaken at our HQ in Sydney, Australia. HubX’s software is developed locally in Australia.

Do I need to have an external connection to internet and power?

HubX has an independent internet connection and solar battery system specifically designed to operate completely independent of external power and network infrastructure, subject to the solar conditions and 5G/satellite network coverage of the installation site.

For additional redundancy, HubX can be connected to fixed infrastructure.

Talk to us about HubX

For inquiries or more information, please fill out the form below, and our team will contact you as soon as we can.

Talk to us about HubX

For inquiries or more information, please fill out the form below, and our team will contact you as soon as we can.

Download brochure for HubX

Download technical specifications for HubX